So, It looks like I kind of blew the idea of weekly posts. Well, I was jazzed at selling a bunch of books at the San Diego Festival of Books and feeling the whole “writer’s life” thing. Then, came the excuses. And now, the world is under quarantine as a pandemic rules the planet.
While many writers are using the stay-at-home orders as a kick in the butt for their writing, I’m still working 40+ hours a week at the bookstore, filling orders for other writer’s books. Still, I’ve kept to the commitment of writing every day of 2020. Granted, some of those days are only a paragraph. But hey, that counts.
The good news in my writing world is that the Sherlock Holmes anthology that bought my short story should be hitting the stores either at the end of this month or June. The publisher did a Kickstarter campaign for the book that generated over $10K.
Meanwhile, I’m continuing to work on a new mystery novel, staring my detective, Fix Larson. The story was buggging me to be written. So, I dropped the other novel I was working on so I could capture the excitement. Now, the question is if readers will like a smart ass detective that’s the same size as Peter Dinklage. It’s a modern Southern mystery along the lines of Tim Dorsey and Carl Hiaasen.
And, I’m going to try to get back on track with this weekly post.
Take care and be safe out there.
Masked Writer