At the advice of a NYT Bestselling friend, I never talk politics on my writing platforms. Oh, I post a hell of a lot on my personal Facebook and Twitter pages. However, I’m a fiction writer. I make stuff up. Granted, many of my characterS have political and social views. But that’s their world.
Yet, I can’t let last week’s craziness go by without any comment. So, here it goes. If you want to make a better world, you need to educate yourself. Don’t let the news and social media dictate your views. Go to your nearest Indie Bookstore ( and buy some books on the subject. Don’t post another meme or comment until you study the history of what’s going on.
Ignorance kills. It always has and always will.
To be a good fiction writer, one has to learn to inhabit the hearts and minds of every type of person. The best villains are the ones where the writer understood that the character really did think that he was right in his actions. It’s easy to get into the mind of the hero. After all, we believe that mind is our own. But we’re not heroes to everyone just as we’re not villains to everyone.
So, educate yourself. It will make you a better writer and a better human being.