Books live and die by them. Authors both love and hate them. Yes, we’re talking about the book review. A review is simply when a writer or reader decides to praise or pan a book based on their subjective opinion of what they read. And that’s what it is, an opinion. And as my dad always colorfully stated it, “Opinons are like ass*****, everybody has one”.

Being a bookseller as well as a writer, I write reviews. I have a Twitter account just for reviews (@mini_bookreview). Although, I’m woefully behind on posting reviews there. Writing has been taking a front seat this year. Still, I do use that Twitter account to re-tweet other authors, publishers, and bookstores. Occasionally, I’ll have a short review posted in the bookseller review space in the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper.

Unlike some book reviewers, I don’t post bad reviews. As I mentioned at the start, a review is an opinion. Granted, it may be a learned opinion, but an opinion none the less. As such, I refuse to trash a writer’s work just because it didn’t fit my needs or expectations. There are too many good books to say good things about. So, I stay on the positive side. When I post a review, I tag the author as well as their publisher.

Now, remember, I’m a writer as well. So, I long to get a good review on what i’ve written. Don’t believe any author that says a bad review doesn’t affect them. Unless you’re an AI program, you care about what readers think about what you’ve written. Since I’ve only published two short stories in anthologies, my exposure to reviews is limited. Thankfully, I have not received a bad review. However, I’m sure when my novel finally gets published, there will be folks who don’t like it. They might not like it enough that they’ll even take time to write a bad review. It’s part of the game.

What I can’t abide are two types of reviews:

  • THE HATCHET JOB REVIEW: This is the type of review where a person goes after an author simply because they don’t like them or what they’re writing about. Often, you can tell they haven’t even read the whole book. They’re just pissed at the world and want to take it out on a writer. You’ll often find them lurking in the shadows of Amazon or it’s subsidiary, Goodreads. They’ll toss out a 1 star review and state they wish that they could give it a negative 4 stars. Take these reviews with a grain of salt.

  • THE MAMA REVIEW: This is the type of review that you would expect one’s mother to write. It has nothing to say except that the writing is the best thing out there and everyone should buy one for themselves and all of their friends and relatives. I dislike this kind of review because I can’t trust it. If the reviewer has the same last name as the author, beware. I get it. Everyone wants to help out their friend or family member get good reviews. But, if you’re not being honest, the reader that takes your advice and finds it was a whitewash, they’re going to be pissed at you and the writer. So much for more sales.

Listen, their are two important things that you can do for an author. First, buy their book. That’s right. Don’t ask them for a comp copy unless you’re a professional reviewer. Most writers are doing it for money. Yeah, we love the writing. However, we all want to get paid. The easiest and least expensive thing that you can do for a writer is to read their book and post a well-reasoned and honest review. It will make the writer believe that they’ve not wasted their time and it might get them some extra sales. And like I mentioned above, tag their publisher in the review as well. If their self-published, hashtag the genre in which they write.

So, please take the time to give writers some feedback. It means a lot. However, like your mama said, “If you can’t say something good about someone, keep your mouth shut.

Thanks for reading.



As well as being a writer, I’m also a bookseller. More specifically, I’m a bookseller at an Indie Bookstore. As such, I abhor what Amazon has done to small businesses, particularly small bookstores. Profit margins are razor-thin for any small business. For bookstores, that margin runs the average of 30-45 % on a good day. Since Amazon has little overhead and can afford to slash book prices in order to gather more Prime customers, they can dominate the market. There’s hardly a day goes by that a customer doesn’t ask if we will match an Amazon price.

Now, with the explosion of online publishing, anyone and their grandpa can publish a book and sell it a dozen different ways. Granted, that means there’s a lot of crap out there. Agents, editors, and publishers have always acted like a filter. True, crap still got published. However, there was some level of professionalism. Also, there was a lot of cookie cutter stories and an industry that didn’t pay much attention to writers that wanted to experiment with the written word. For that matter, they also didn’t pay much attention to when readers wanted to read something fresh and different. If it didn’t meet the established mold, it wasn’t going to hit the big box bookshelves.

A lot of those types of writers and readers flocked to places like Amazon when it started it’s publishing division. Here, they found a place that would print just about anything. Additionally, writers were actually making some money. A lucky few were even making good money.

But there’s a catch.

There’s an ocean of content out there now. Writers have to spend as much time promoting themselves as they do actually creating. Gathering followers and garnering “likes” has become a part of the whole writing process. We’ll do anything to get the reader’s attention.

That’s where I come to my dilemma. As a bookseller, I hate Amazon. As a writer, I want readers. I have an agent. I’ve been published in two anthologies and they are on sale in the bookstore where I work. I’m working on a novel that I hope will be picked up by a traditional publisher. However, I also want to reach more readers. There are so many stories and characters that I want to get out there.

So, I went down to the crossroads and did a little deal with the devil. The crossroads is called Kindle Vella. It’s a place where I can submit a serialized story. It allows me to experiment with a character and hopefully get some reader feedback. I try to sooth my conscience by telling myself that such a work wouldn’t be carried by a bookstore anyway.

Still, I feel a little dirty.

BTW, you can find the story here: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/episode/B09J38Q784

Thanks for reading.


Very few writers make a living at writing. For every Stephen King, there are thousands of unknowns, plugging away in obscurity. Even those writers who have a few publishing credits still need a day job to pay the bills.

I’ve been in bookselling for about 30 years. I’ve completed the Hat Trick of working for the three major chains (Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Books-A-Million). Granted, Borders has become the retail Dodo bird. Now, I work for an Independent Bookstore.

Working for a bookstore is great training for a writer. Even better, I’m also the Local Author Coordinator. Also, I’ve worked as an assistant buyer when I was with Borders. So, I’ve seen the process that writers go through from the start to finish.

Also, being a bookseller, I’m expected to read more than the average person. I’ve got to at least know a little about every book that we carry in the store. Granted, my actual reading will always be based on what I like to read. Still, I can direct a customer to the latest popular romance title just as easily as my favorite historical mystery.

All this exposure to literature informs my writing, just as everyday life does. I read the other day that natural writers never stop writing. Even when we’re away from the keyboard or pen, we’re still thinking about and planning our stories. Even my daily commute is not wasted. I’m either listening to an audio book or tapping away on my phone. Thank you Scrivener for having an IOS app.

Will I ever be able to quit my “day job” to write full time? Maybe. However, the odds are not in my favor. Still, as a bookseller, I not only see the great books being published, I also see the crap out there as well. So, I have undying hope.

Either way, I’ll never stop writing. I wrote my first short story in elementary school. There’s no stopping now.

Have a great writing week. Please leave a comment or say hello.
