
Ask a dozen people what scares them and you’ll get a dozen different answers. For our little discussion, let’s put aside the “Real World” terrors such as cancer, job loss, Covid-19, or speaking in public. Instead, let’s dip our toes into the murky waters of supernatural horrors.


For me, it’s a tie between ghosts and demons. Ghosts in general don’t scare me as much as the idea of them popping out unexpectedly. If I was on a ghost investigation, I’d expect a ghost to show up when asked to appear. However, the thought of that ghost showing up in my bedroom uninvited, sends chill bumps down my arm.

Although, I’ve been in situations that were ripe for the opportunity to encounter ghosts, I’ve never seen anything. I’ve been to the notoriously haunted Whaley House, spent the night four different times on the Queesn Mary, and have visited graveyards all around the Deep South, nothing. Sure, there were creepy vibes. However, I didn’t see or hear anything supernatural.

Having been raised in a Southern Baptist background, demons are another subject that will give me the creeps. Unlike ghosts, demons are supposed to be intentionally malevolent. What makes it worse is that religion teaches that even discussing or studying about them can call in all sorts of bad things into your life. When I was in elementary school, I made the mistake of sneaking out to the family room to watch a late-night screening of The Exorcist. When the image of a demon flashed for an instant on the screen, I was terrified that it wasn’t a part of the film. Instead, I was scared that the image was just for me. I stayed that way until I found another kid who saw the movie and confirmed what I saw.

What adds to my fears is my near-sightedness. So, things in the dark are even harder to define. Add to that a vivid imagination, and the shadow of a lamp becomes a wraith hovering in the corner. Oh, and don’t get me started about the latest reality ghost shows that purport to show videos of little “shadow people” skittering along darkened hallways. And the demon that appears in the darkened corner of the opening episode of the new show, Evil? Good God, that creeped me out.

My biggest fear is a darkened window. I avoid looking into darkened windows for fear I will see a ghostly or evil face staring back at me. Even since I can remember, I’ve had to have the curtains drawn at night. Without knowing it, my mother fed into this fear one night long ago. I was sitting at my desk, doing my homework. The night before, I lay in my bed, listening to the CBS Radio Mystery Theater (this was in the 70’s). The story had a ghost that would appear along with a sweet perfumed scent on the night air. This particular night, the Jasmine outside of my window was in full fragrant bloom. My mom thought it would be funny to scratch at the screen of my window. According to her, I slowly stood up and backed out of the room without ever looking towards the window.

So what supernatural thing scares you? Do you fear monsters? Do zombies haunt your dreams? Leave a comment below with your fears or stories of terror. And please stay away from my window at night.
