I first logged onto TikTok for the bookstore where I work. We were trying to broaden our social media presence and it was the latest and fastest growing platform. We already had store accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and two different Instagram accounts. But TikTok was supposedly for the New Generation. Ironically, they chose me, one of the oldest booksellers that they had to create our TikTok account.

I’m a quick study. I researched everything I could about the platform. I watched way too many Youtube videos. But, in the end, nothing quite prepares you for the experience. I didn’t truly begin to get a handle on things until I started my own account, promoting my writing.

The first lesson I learned?

Nobody knows what the hell is truly going on.

Oh, you have tons of videos claiming to know the current algorithm or just the right sounds to use. There was advice on whether or not to use hashtags. Some people said to break up your video into several small bites. Others said to write several paragraphs on the screen so people will watch the whole video. After all, being seen is the most important thing.


Like any social media platform, the most important thing is to make it work for you. Get out of it what you need. And for my writing, that’s exactly what I do. I don’t care about how many followers that I have or whether one of my three minute videos goes viral.

I’m there to connect with other writers and readers.

That’s what I ask of TikTok and that’s what I get. I stay out of the drama. I don’t post politics. I sure as hell don’t trash anyone.. However, I do offer my advice as a writer and bookseller. I do listen to people that just need someone to listen. I do offer encouragement when I can. And I’m happy with what I get out of TikTok.

As the old saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. Use social media to let in what you want and keep out what you don’t. As with anything, all things in moderation. By the way, my TikTok account is @jensenjames06 . If you’re into writing, stop by and check it out. As with this website, I’d appreciate it if you leave a comment and just say hello. It’s nice to know sometimes that my tappings into the internet are actually reaching people and not being intercepted by ENCOM (look up TRON).

Have a great week humans.