I’m not going to get political on this post. But damn, what a crazy few months. Through it all, I’ve been pounding away at my writing. I’ve written more in the past few months than I have in years. Below are some bullet points of what’s been going on:

  • Finished edits on my debut novel, TOADS, TWINS, AND TENACITY.

  • My agent has submitted the novel to several publishers and we now play the waiting game.

  • Finished a short story using the detective from my novel and submitted it to Alfred Hitchcock magazine.

  • Finished and submitted a story about a Golem to a magazine.

  • Finished and submitted a short story to an anthology about an aging werewolf with onset dementia.

  • Currently working on a short story about the Florida Skunk Ape.

On the social media front, I’ve backed off my engagement on Twitter. It’s become way too toxic lately. I’ll keep my account so that I will maintain my name. However, unless things greatly improve, I won’t be posting much there.

I’ve opened up an account on BlueSky. You can find me under @jajensenbooks. So far, things are pretty chill there. I’m able to link up with other writers and subjects that I’m really interested in following. The platform is good at shutting down trouble makers. I hope it stays that way.

So, lots of irons in the fire for now. Hopefully, as my portfolio grows, so will my readers and connections. Here’s to hoping for a better 2025.