I’ve had a full week to decompress from StokerCon, the Horror Writers Association’s annual convention. It was a whirlwind of activity since my local San Diego Chapter was in charge of putting on the event. After two years of planning, it turned out to be a bloody success and one of the HWA’s largest.
Between attending panels, volunteering, meeting with my new agent, and leading her husband on some tours of San Diego, I got to meet some of the best horror writers in the business. Whenever possible, a writer needs to attend as many author events as possible. The networking and learning you experience are essential to growing your career.
As you might have noticed, I mentioned a new agent. I’m now represented by Cherry Weiner. She’s a powerhouse in a small package. Her expertise has made my current novel 100% better. Keep an eye on this space for more news on future plans for my detective story, Toads, Twins, and Tenacity (A Fix Larson Investigation).