When you write a mystery, the portrayal of violence is a given. How that violence is portrayed determines what kind of mystery you’re writing. Most of my favorite mysteries have fallen more towards the Cozy side. In such, the violence is discrete and easily covered up by the nearest sheet or oriental carpet. Agatha Christie was the Queen of the Cozy. Even modern writers like Louise Penny tend to keep the gore to a minimum.

That’s not to say I don’t like a gritty mystery/thriller. I enjoy Don Winslow, Carl Hiaasen, Elmore Leonard, and even the craziness of Tim Dorsey. I’ve read Thomas Harris and am amazed how he can even make Hannibal Lechter accessible as a human being.

Currently, I’m toeing the line between a Cozy and a Thriller. Since it involves smuggling in modern Florida, there’s bound to be violence of some sort. And yet, I find myself hesitating to step over the killing line. The people involved are seriously corrupt. However, are they corrupt enough to kill? I guess that depends on the motive. At this point, I only see them killing in self defense. Still, at least two of the minor characters are capable of killing without provocation. They’ve already threatened a kid’s life.

There’s a scene coming up where things are about to blow apart. I’m curious to see how each character reacts. They’ve thrown me some surprises so far. There are some hinted at background stories that I am just starting to explore. That’s one of the most pleasurable things about writing for me. I love watching the story play out in the theater of my mind.

I’ll let you know how it turns out later.

In the meantime, what are your thoughts on violence in books? Is there such a thing as too much? Where do you draw the line. If you’re a writer, tell me how you handle the subject.

As always, thanks for reading.


The Paved Road To Hell

Ah, the best of intentions. Although I fell behind on my short story here, I’ve not been idle. This year, I finished a short story for an anthology entry and continued on my novel. I also edited an older novel and started posting it on Wattpad to see how it played with real readers. You can take a look at:

I’m pretty close to sticking to my year’s goal of writing every day. Trying not to look back on the years I’ve been plugging away and not get a little discouraged is hard. Yet, to be honest, it’s only recently that I’ve worked hard at it. So, I’ll cut myself some slack as long as I keep moving forward.

I’ll not lead you on. The Poirot short story is not going to be weekly. There will still be parts added. However, I’m sticking to working on my novel. If you want a taste of my work, read the Wattpad posts. It’s an older work and I’ve gotten much better. Still, it has my basic style.

To my fellow writers, keep on truckin’. To the readers, keep on reading and buy your books at an Indie Bookstore.